
~ Useful Club Information ~

Members are given a 10% discount card at the local GreenThumb Nursery.

At  monthly meetings members bring garden specimens to be judged by National Garden Club standards. This prepares us for entering district flower shows.

Volunteer Guidelines:
Facilities Committee Duties: Each meeting committee members set up the meeting room.

Church Courtyard Duties:
Committee members water courtyard succulants, clip dead leaves and pull weeds.

The committee asks for volunteers to bring snacks at least once a year. They will set up the room, put out coffee, teas and hot water and decorate the table.

A monthly newsletter is published with news about local and district clubs as well as any articles related to gardening.


Holiday Wreaths:
Wreaths are pre-ordered. Members gather plant meterial, some of which are sprayed gold, silver, red and or white. Memebers gather in December to decorate them.

Pumpkin/Succulent Decorating:
Pumpkins are planted and grown in the summer. Members donate succulent clippings from their gardens. Members gather in October to decorate the pumpkins, which are then sold at a local farmers market.

Penny Pines:
PVGC collects donations during our monthly general meetings. Penny Pines is part of the National Garden Club, Inc. and the USDA National Forests. The donations are sent to Los Padres National Forest to help replant trees indigenous to a particular damaged area.
